24 research outputs found

    Informal learning recognition through a cloud ecosystem

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    Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out

    Informal learning recognition through a cloud ecosystem

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    Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out

    Igra za oblast finansijske edukacije

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    U ovom radu su predstavljene edukativne igre koje su kreirane kao pomoćni alat u nastavi, za više tematskih jedinica iz klasičnih finansija. Igra za Markowitz-ev model i diversifikaciju je zamišljena kao simulacija finansijskog tržišta u malom, gde su studenti učesnici na trćištu, sa sopstvenim virtuelnim kapitalom. Studenti u definisanom vremenu grade svoj portfolio, a za odlučivanje koriste metode i tehnike iz date nastavne jedinice. Ista platforma se koristi i za Markowitz-ev model i CAPM, kao jedinstvena simulacija poslovanja na tržištu kao osnova za primenu predloženih modela. Realizovana edukativna igra ima za cilj da pre svega poboljša razumevanje studenata iz oblasti klasičnih finansija, koristeći princip situacionog učenja. Realizovana edukativna igra se može upotrebiti dvostruko, kao pomoćni alat za učenje i kao alat za proveru znanja

    Primena edukativnih igara za učenje Markowitzovog modela

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    U ovom radu je predstavljena edukativna igra kreirana kao pomoćni alat u nastavi, za tematsku jedinicu pod nazivom «Klasični pristup portfolio menadžmentu – Markowitz-ev model i diverzifikacija». Igra je zamišljena kao simulacija finansijskog tržišta u malom, gde su studenti učesnici na tržištu, sa sopstvenim virtuelnim kapitalom. Studenti u definisanom vremenu grade svoj portfolio, a za odlučivanje koriste metode i tehnike iz date nastavne jedinice. Realizovana edukativna igra ima za cilj da pre svega poboljša razumevanje studenata iz oblasti upravljanja portfoliom i primene Markowitz-eve teorije, koristeći princip situacionog učenja. Realizovana edukativna igra se može upotrebiti dvostruko, kao pomoćni alat za učenje i kao alat za proveru znanja

    Razvoj edukativne igre za podizanje ekološke svesti

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    U radu je predstavljena edukativna igra bazirana na modelu flash kartica, kao i simulaciji prey-predator modela. Cilj igre jeste edukacija, to jest podizanje svesti o očuvanju životne sredine u Srbiji. Prikazana igra pokazuje i šta se dešava u graničnim slučajevima kada prey populacije ima malo i kada predator populacije ima mnogo, i suprotno, na primeru rezervata prirode

    Primena edukativnih igara za učenje modela klasičnih finansija

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    Za integraciju srpskog finansijskog tržišta u finansijski sistem EU, potrebno je realizovati strukturne promene. Za sada je ovo tržište veoma nerazvijeno. Da bi postalo razvijeno tržište, jedan od ključnih zahteva je poboljšanje nivoa edukacije o finansijskim tržištima. U ovom radu su predstavljene edukativne igre koje su kreirane kao pomoćni alat u nastavi, za više tematskih jedinica iz klasičnih finansija (Markowitz-ev model i diversifikacija, model vrednovanja kapitala-CAPM). Igra za Markowitz-ev model i diversifikaciju je zamišljena kao simulacija finansijskog tržišta u malom, gde su studenti učesnici na tržištu, sa sopstvenim virtuelnim kapitalom. Studenti u definisanom vremenu grade svoj portfolio, a za odlučivanje koriste metode i tehnike iz date nastavne jedinice. Ista platforma se koristi i za Markowitz-ev model i CAPM, kao jedinstvena simulacija poslovanja na tržištu kao osnova za primenu predloženih modela. Realizovana edukativna igra ima za cilj da pre svega poboljša razumevanje studenata iz oblasti klasičnih finansija, koristeći princip situacionog učenja. Realizovana edukativna igra se može upotrebiti dvostruko, kao pomoćni alat za učenje i kao alat za proveru znanja

    Integrating an educational game in moodle LMS

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    The authors present a learning platform based on a computer game. Learning games combine two industries: education and entertainment, which is often called "Edutainment." The game is realized as a strategic game similar to RiskTM, implemented as a module for Moodle CMS, utilizing Java Applet technology. Moodle is an open-source course management system CMS, which is widely used among universities as an eLearning platform. Java Applet enables development of rich-client applications which are executed in web browser environment. During the game, players receive questions from specified Moodle quiz, and all answers are stored back into Moodle system. Students can later verify their score and answers, and examine the test that they actually worked on during the game. This system supports synchronous as well as asynchronous interaction between players

    Game design as a learning tool for the course of computer networks

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    Continuous advances in technology are causing a generation gap between students and teachers to increase. There are constant breaks in communication, misunderstandings and social conflicts arising during the conduct of a course. Today students have grown up using devices like computers, mobile phones, and video consoles for almost any activity; from studies and work to entertainment or communication. Motivating them with traditional teaching methods such as lectures and written materials is proving to be more difficult daily. In order to increase the motivation of students, better understanding of the subject matter as well as improving collaboration, new form of teaching was required. That is why digital games are being considered to have a promising role in education process. We conducted a study among university students with the purpose of acquiring empirical evidence to support the claim that game design can be used as an effective form of learning. Our method consisted out of monitoring results of participants in course of Computer networks. Experimental group of participants experienced a game design as a new learning tool for teaching, while control group used network programming. Additionally, we invested an effort to measure the effects of different learning approaches with the respect of individual differences in cognitive styles. Initial results provide a good argument for use of game design as a student learning tool. In addition, we reported some influence of cognitive style on effectiveness of using game design

    Interoperability Framework for Multimodal Biometry: Open Source in Action

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    In recent years identity management systems significantly increased the use of biometry. This process shifted this research area towards academia that in turn resulted with the rise of available biometric solutions, especially open source ones. Most of these solutions deal with only one biometric modality. The problem is that the price of the solution affects the precision and performances of the system. Open source solutions usually struggle with this issue since the funds for development are very limited. Possible solution can be found in using the multimodal approach that involves using several biometric modalities to improve preciseness and performances of the system. Unfortunately this opens another issue of interoperability among existing biometric solutions, acquisition devices and databases. This paper focuses on solving this issue, by proposing the interoperability framework for this purpose. Efficiency of the proposed framework was evaluated by using it as a development platform for developing a multimodal biometric application that combined three separate biometric modalities: fingerprint, face and voice. Proposed framework should further accelerate future development of biometric solutions